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Are you searching for more information on how the multifamily market is doing in 2021? If so, you’ve come to the right place! The good news is that as of May 2021, the nationwide multifamily market has enjoyed its best month since the beginning of the...

Are you searching for more information on how the Biden Administrations' tax increases will affect multifamily investors? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This is a topic that’s been on the mind of most investors in 2021 as everyone knows that it’s going to...

Spring 2021 is officially here and as the weather warns up across Los Angeles, more investors are going to taking a fresh look at multifamily properties in Los Angeles. If you’re thinking of investing in LA area multifamily properties, or you’re interested in learning more about...

The internet has made it easier than ever before for landlords to market their properties and grow their businesses, but the big question is which tech tools should a landlord use? Technology definitely will make a landlord’s life easier but it’s sometimes difficult for landlords to...

Emotional support animals have been in the news a lot in recent years as it’s not been uncommon to see people with every conceivable emotional support animal from dogs, snakes, and cats, to small horses. The big question is what exactly is an emotional support animal,...

As life slowly begins to get back to normal nationwide thanks to vaccinations, we’re seeing Covid-19 cases decrease in many cities. This is encouraging news for everyone, including landlords, because it means that people are going back to work and are able to pay their...

Over the last 12 months, package deliveries are on the rise at multifamily properties worldwide, due to Covid-19, which has led more people to shop online than ever before. With an increase in package deliveries at multifamily properties, many get lost or stolen because a package...

Are you planning on investing in maintenance for your Los Angeles area multifamily property in 2021? Before spending the money on maintenance, make sure that you allocate those funds properly by understanding the difference between habitability maintenance vs. cosmetic maintenance. Understanding Habitability Maintenance In the State of...

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